Neat Dude is (sort of) moving!

Neat Dude is (sort of) moving!

Since 2014, when we first started selling the classic Neat Dude beanie, our business has been run out of a basement— including but not limited to: warehousing, fulfillment, kitting, strategizing, designing and more. Every order was packed, labeled and shipped by only a small handful of people. Whenever we'd release a new line, have a sale, or drop a collab, we'd need to recruit our friends and family to help handle the packing and shipping. While this worked for a time, it's not the most reliable or sustainable game plan for the long-term. 

We're happy to announce that our next big move is relocating the warehousing and fulfillment part of our business to a legitimate fulfillment facility. A warehouse that's not in a residential basement, and one that's equipped to handle large influxes of orders surrounding special events. With this move, we're taking a lot of time-consuming, physical labor off of our plates, which allows us to focus on making more cool stuff— both in the physical and digital realm.

What does this mean for you?

In the short-term, we're closing the shop down for a bit to accommodate this move. Before doing so, we're offering 25% off all orders when you enter the code BIGMOVES. This expires at NOON (EST) on Thursday, July 11th. After that point, we'll be temporarily closing up the shop.

Long-term, this move will ensure that orders are shipped out more regularly and with less room for errors. Other than that, things shouldn't change much for our supporters. The goal is to reopen the shop on July 19th*, while at the same time releasing new stuff as part our late-summer drop. This release will include a few new items and new color variants of previous items. And there's even more new stuff in the works for fall. 



*Unless something goes wrong with our shipments. Transit delays, alien abduction, etc.


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